hello friend, facebook is most commonly used social networking website now a days you
can post,share ,comment etc.as youknow when you open yourfacebook id you got lot of stuff/post on your wall & i think its very clumsy ,irritating to like all thepost by clicking on each post .

                                                                                                        so the solution is ,If you try to be over-social keeping up with your friends and liking everyone of their post then here is a relief for you.You can now simply like all the posts on your wall by just clicking a simple button on your Chrome.

                                                                                        All you need to do is to Goto this site and install this Extension  http://www.chromeextensions.org/social-communications/facebook-like-all/
A quick and easy way to likeevery comment or status on your current Facebook page. One click and everything is‘Liked ’ for you .

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